Dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) with the chemical formula C2H6S2 is also known as methyl disulfide and is the simplest disulfide compound. The liquid is yellow to transparent and has an unpleasant smell like garlic. Compared to other sulphiding agents, DMDS has the highest sulfur content, which reduces the amount of product required to convert oxides to active metal sulphides. It has high thermal stability with low viscosity and is suitable for liquid or gas phase injection


Puritymin 99 %
Boiling point229°F
Sulfur content68 wt%
AppearanceColorless liquid


DMDS is packed in ISO Tank, IBC or Drums.


  • Petrochemical industry as an inhibitor of coke formation in olefin furnaces
  • Refinery industry as sulfiding catalysts
  • Agriculture industry

Other Names

  • Methyl disulfide
  • DMDS
  • (Methyldisulfanyl)methane
  • Methyldithiomethane

Chemical Formula

  • C2H6S2

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